Homes for Sale in San Tan Valley with Horse Property
San Tan Valley Homes For Sale
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- Under $100,000
- $100,000 - $200,000
- $200,000 - $300,000
- $300,000 - $400,000
- $400,000 - $500,000
- $500,000 - $600,000
- $600,000 - $700,000
- $700,000 - $800,000
- $800,000 - $900,000
- $900,000 - $1,000,000
- Over $1,000,000
On our website, you’ll be able to search the MLS for San Tan Valley homes for sale. Listings are updated daily. You can view photos of available homes, find detailed real estate information, save your search, create a free account, receive notifications of new listings that match your home criteria delivered directly to your email, and access current market data. Also, be sure to also scroll down to learn more about San Tan Valley real estate with a pool and living in this family-oriented community:
Finding Horse Property Near San Tan Valley AZ
There are a number of homes for sale in San Tan Valley with horse property, but these exclusive properties often sell very quickly. In order to access the best real estate in San Tan Valley with horse property, you will want to partner with the leading local real estate agent.
Cathy Carter is the best horse property Realtor in San Tan Valley AZ. Contact her today to learn more.
San Tan Valley Real Estate Market Trends
Often described as one of the more competitive real estate markets in the Southeast Valley, the homes for sale in San Tan Valley are typically in high demand. Recent real estate data reveals that the average property sells within 45 days, and typically receives two offers.
Currently, the median sales price in San Tan Valley is just more than $430,000. Home prices have been holding stable over the past year, with real estate experts noticing a small uptick in prices over recent weeks.
At this time, homes are selling for at or just below their listing price, but the hottest homes on the market often sell for higher than asking price. The key to navigating this market with success is to partner with an experienced, local real estate agent.
Horse Property in San Tan Valley: What You Need to Know
Horse property is not uncommon in San Tan Valley, as the community has both the outdoor space and climate necessary for horse-loving homeowners.
Generally speaking, there are usually a couple dozen San Tan Valley homes for sale with horse property at any given time. As these properties typically include larger plots of land as well as horse stables, they are often priced higher than a standard, single-family home.
The prices for homes with horse property in San Tan Valley can range anywhere from $650,000 to $1.8 million.
How to Find Horse Property Homes for Sale in San Tan Valley
While homes with horse property are in high demand in San Tan Valley, it doesn't have to be difficult to find them. A qualified real estate agent who specializes in horse property sales will be able to provide you with the access and information that you need in order to make the best decision for your family.
Cathy Carter boasts more than two decades of professional experience serving San Tan Valley clients, and she is the leading horse property real estate agent in the region.
Request More Information From Leading Horse Property Realtor in San Tan Valley AZ
As an experienced local real estate agent and horse property specialist, San Tan Valley Realtor Cathy Carter is uniquely qualified to introduce you to this niche market.
Contact Realtor Cathy Carter today to receive a customized San Tan Valley AZ real estate market analysis.

For her entire professional career, Cathy Carter has been dedicated to serving the people of East Valley. She began her career in new construction home sales and quickly expanded into every sector of the Chandler real estate industry. Today, after years of networking with the most reliable professionals in the local community and focusing on professional development, Cathy Carter is considered to be the top Realtor in East Valley. Most recently, she received the RE/MAX Lifetime Achievement award, which is the second-highest national award given to RE/MAX real estate agents.
RE/MAX Cathy Carter Real Estate & Luxury Homes
Professional REALTOR
RE/MAX Solutions
4365 E Pecos Rd #103
Gilbert, AZ. 85295
Email or Call: 480‑459‑8488
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