REALTOR in Chandler Az
Finding a REALTOR in Chandler AZ
A local REALTOR in Chandler AZ is the only professional who will be able to uncover the homes in Chandler AZ for sale that offer everything you want and need. While it's easy to do a quick online search of the most recent Chandler AZ homes for sale, it can be challenging to filter through the real estate in Chandler AZ for sale that matches your criteria. Cathy Carter is the leading Chandler AZ real estate agent, and she has the qualifications you need to succeed in this dynamic market. Contact Cathy Carter today to learn more.
Take advantage of our easy-to-use website where you can search the MLS for homes in Chandler near me, listings updated every 5 minutes. View photos of available properties, find detailed real estate information, create a free account, and receive notifications of new listings that match your specific home criteria delivered directly to your email. Be sure to scroll down below to learn more about, real estate for sale in Chandler, current market trends, and living in this family-oriented community.
Chandler Homes For Sale
- All Listings
- Under $100,000
- $100,000 - $200,000
- $200,000 - $300,000
- $300,000 - $400,000
- $400,000 - $500,000
- $500,000 - $600,000
- $600,000 - $700,000
- $700,000 - $800,000
- $800,000 - $900,000
- $900,000 - $1,000,000
- Over $1,000,000
About Real Estate in Chandler AZ for Sale
Recent headlines about the real estate market in Chandler AZ have portrayed a sense of doom and gloom, but these are a tad misleading. While it's true that the price of real estate in Chandler AZ for sale has dropped over the course of the past year, the reality is that the market is quite strong and remains competitive.
At this time, the current median sales price of the homes in Chandler AZ for sale is $482,000. While prices are down by about 8 percent since this same time last year, it's worth noting that there was still more than 220 homes sold in Chandler during the past month. Real estate experts anticipate that prices for Chandler AZ homes for sale will begin to rise in the coming weeks and months, as the summer selling season begins in earnest.
One of the factors that sets the Chandler AZ real estate market apart from other local markets is that it is consistently strong. Buyers can remain confident that the homes they purchase will retain their value, and that their investment in real estate in Chandler AZ for sale will be worthwhile.
Noting the fact that the market remains competitive, and that sellers continue to have the advantage, buyers are advised to partner with an experienced local REALTOR in Chandler AZ. The right real estate agent will craft a customized MLS search to find the Chandler AZ homes for sale that include the features you are looking for, such as a specific number of bedrooms, a backyard pool, a casita or an open-concept floor plan. This is the best way to quickly identify the homes on the market that you would be most interested in, and allows you to place an offer in a timely manner.
In order to begin your search of the Chandler AZ homes for sale, contact Cathy Carter today.
How to Find the Best Chandler AZ Homes for Sale
Starting your home search in Chandler can be intimidating, especially when you realize that this market has a diverse range of properties. Some of the most common types of homes for sale in Chandler AZ include luxury townhomes, ranch-style homes, homes with horse property and luxury homes in gated communities. In order to narrow down your search and uncover the properties that you are looking for, you will want to hire a professional REALTOR in Chandler AZ.
You should hire a real estate agent in Chandler AZ who has the following qualifications:
- Find a real estate agent who specializes in the local community. A local real estate agent will have a better pulse on the community at large as well as the current market conditions. They will be able to recommend neighborhoods and developments that will best suit your needs and your lifestyle. Working with a local agent is like partnering with a trusted neighbor for your home search.
- Partner with a REALTOR in Chandler AZ who prioritizes professional development. The real estate industry is a dynamic industry in which the landscape is constantly changing. You should work with a real estate agent who stays abreast of the latest trends in the industry, and who is always working to expand their professional skill set.
- Hire a Chandler real estate agent who understands how to effectively use the latest technology. Technology continues to shape and define the real estate industry, so it's imperative to hire an agent who is able to effectively utilize technological tools such as social media apps, virtual reality programs, electronic documents and more.
Cathy Carter is one of the few real estate agents in Chandler AZ who has been working in the local market for several decades. Her vast experience in the Southeast Valley allows her to make personalized recommendations, recommend reliable contractors and navigate the local market with ease. She has experienced the ebbs and flows of the Chandler real estate market, and she is ready to provide you with the results you are hoping for. Contact Cathy Carter today to begin looking for the best real estate in Chandler AZ for sale.
Why You Should Live in Chandler AZ
Chandler is one of the largest suburbs outside of Phoenix, and it has long been hailed for its strong economy as well as its high quality of life. These are a few of the top reasons why you should live in Chandler:
- The sun shines in Chandler more than 300 days out of the year. The comfortable year-round temperatures allow residents to make the most out of the community parks, championship golf courses and nature trails.
- The Chandler economy is anchored by thriving industries, such as healthcare and bioscience, autonomous vehicle manufacturing, high-tech manufacturing and aerospace.
- Chandler is considered one of the best places for families to live due to its many educational opportunities. The public school district in Chandler is recognized for its academic excellence, and there also are many private and charter schools throughout the community. Parents appreciate the fact that they have both voice and choice in their child's education.
The real estate in Chandler AZ for sale ranges from idyllic starter homes to breathtaking luxury properties. Regardless of your budget or the features you are looking for in your next home, Cathy Carter stands ready to help you navigate the Chandler AZ real estate market. As an award-winning REALTOR in Chandler AZ, Cathy Carter is uniquely qualified to find the Chandler AZ homes for sale that include all of the features you want at a price that you can afford. To receive your customized market analysis for real estate in Chandler AZ for sale, contact Cathy Carter today.

Cathy Carter has been dedicated to serving the people of East Valley. She began her career in new construction home sales and quickly expanded into every sector of the Chandler real estate industry. Today, after years of networking with the most reliable professionals in the local community and focusing on professional development, Cathy Carter is considered to be the top Realtor in East Valley. Most recently, she received the RE/MAX Lifetime Achievement award, which is the second-highest national award given to RE/MAX real estate agents.
RE/MAX Cathy Carter Real Estate & Luxury Homes
Professional REALTOR
RE/MAX Solutions
4365 E Pecos Rd #103
Gilbert, AZ. 85295
Email or Call: 480‑459‑8488
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With you'll be able to find your dream home in no time. If you have any inquiries about homes for sale, connect with Cathy Carter!
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